The Football Connection
and the Project ” The Football Connection” has moved on to become 2 teams playing an “International Friendly game of two halves. Each team is with a computer each or together, in one or multiple locations, and follows the format of reviewing each players GOST and their TEAM GOST, – an online presentation of slides, and then all players on both sides contributing ideas and energy to move the player and team forward towards their goal, through logical incrementalism of their Objectives, Strategies and Tactics. Its like online brainstorming around a focused topic, personal and team….
samples, Nigel, Pradeep and Santigie, and the team goal of A building learning communities at each club, of 150 people paying 10 dollars per month either as an investor or an active  learning member ( investors support more infrastructure and enable more hours of computer availability for others, thus investors can be from abroad also … ) B buuilding ICT infrastructure for the community to engage in active blended online learning to nurture their development as football players. C to have fun
this model can be demonstrated weekly in the live-link, with selected players presenting their slide online before the event, and discussing each slide in turn( text chat initially ) , with comments added…
slide show:- ( here )
Text chat:-
video tips and tricks